Each student must take 8 modules of 15 credits = 120 credits. Students may also take 2 modules from another department with the permission of the HOD of Computer Science.





Project Analysis and Design 731




Project Implementation and Testing 732




Adv. Software Engineering 726




Information and Communication Technologies for Development 734




An Introduction to the Internet of Things 735




Artificial Intelligence 737




Cybersecurity 738




Big Data Engineering 736




Cloud Computing 793




Footnote: *Capita Selecta

* 4IR Special Topics 7xx


Honours Project Documentation Guidelines

Honours Project Documentation Guidelines

In addition to a working program and its source code, you must also author the documents discussed below to gain full credit for the programming project. The fundamental structure of these documents is entirely independent of project, programming language, and operating system. You will find a number of advantages when you pursue a rigid documentation approach to programming. First of all, you will have a firm understanding of the task at hand before you start coding. A good understand of the problem leads to a clean design that tends to have fewer bugs. Always make your goal to program it right the first time! The next advantage is that others will be able to use your documentation to test the program, fix bugs, and make enhancements. In the corporate world, these duties are normally performed by different people and often by different groups within a single company. Therefore, the more detailed, organized, and easy-to-read your documentation is, the more you help other people do their jobs. As you learn to writesolid documentation, you will also come to appreciate reading solid documentation, and will eventually detest reading technical crap (the world is full of poorly written technical books and manuals). In other words, write simply and clearly. The way you write is just as important as the details you present. Always strive to spell correctly and use proper grammar. The campus Writing Center can aid you in this respect.

Description of the 4 Presentations

Description of the 4 Presentations

First presentation 5 minute talk + 5 minute Questions and Answer (Q&A)

Describe your project: its requirements and your analysis. This presentation should have a maximum of 4-5 slides. Remember, you are talking for only 5 minutes. The slides should be keyword or bullet-based. You may also use diagrams or pictures. Your slides must be on your website. If you don’t have a website yet, contact our webmaster ASAP.

Second presentation 5 minute talk + 5 minute prototype demo + 5 minute Q&A

Give a brief introduction to your project to remind us of what it’s all about. The major thrust of this talk is on the OOA/HLD and OOD/LLD. You should talk to diagrams of the HLD and LLD. Particular emphasis should be given to the OOA/HLD in terms of class and object definitions and their relationships to one another. Flow charts are not enough. Logical systems should be broken down into constituent parts and explained in terms of objects. You should also include a prototype demo. With a GUI-oriented project, the prototype is usually a skeleton. The prototype will vary from project to project.

Third Presentation 5 minute talk + 5 minute demo + 5 minute Q&A

Give a brief introduction to your project to remind us of what it’s all about. The third term mostly concerns implementation, therefore the third talk should discuss your implementation. Also explain the design decisions you had to make and explain why you made them. Discuss the changes you had to make to your UIS, OOA, and OOD based on your experiences doing the coding. Explain how you organised your code, and your approach to implementation overall. This is a good time to also list the tools and languages that you used. You must also give a demo, similar to the last talk, but it should not be a prototype anymore: it should work!

Final Presentation 5 minute talk + 5 minute demo + 5 minute Q&A

Give a brief introduction to your project to remind us of what it’s all about. This presentation must cover the entire spectrum of the project. Walk us through the entire project, from requirements, analysis, interface, design, implementation, but spend roughly half of the talk discussing the test issues and results. You may also want to show what your User’s Guide looks like, but please don’t read it out. Give a demo of the final product.

How Your Presentation is Marked

  • Delivery [10] refers to the use and abuse of communication and spoken skills: body language, gestures, spoken language, word choice, how you handle yourself in front of an audience, etc.
  • Content [10] refers to the arrangement and the content of the presentation: quality and correctness of data, how topics progress from one slide to the next, etc.
  • Audiovisuals [10] refers to having the slides on a web site, in bullets, nicely presented, fonts and colors easy on the eye, demonstrations, etc.
  • Timing [10] is how you give the presentation with respect to time: amount of time per slide, right number of slides, balance of information per slide, etc.
  • Q&A [10] refers to how well you answer questions from the audience: how you demonstrate knowledge over the material, your ability to handle criticism and come back with valid answers, etc.
Project Planning and Meetings

Project Planning and Meetings

Each term, you must define a project plan that includes the specific tasks of your project, and the dates by which you intend to accomplish them. Everyone’s project plan will include dates for the submission of project documents, weekly meetings, monthly reports, and the presentation. However, the most important items on the project plan will relate specifically to the technical issues of your project. The project plan should be continually updated. Essentially, the project plan maps out a schedule for each term, and should be updated as you work ahead or fall behind the schedule, or discover things that you need to do along the way. If you organise your project plan well, by the end of each month, you will have a summary of what you have accomplished for the month. For CoE students, the Monthly Report must be clearly identified on a webpage devoted to the project. You are required to meet with your project supervisor on a weekly basis to discuss the progress and problems related to your project. The format, length and content of the meetings will vary from supervisor to supervisor, and even student to student, but the overall objectives are to inform your supervisor of your progress and also to get advice on how to go about defining and prioritising the activities required to complete each module’s objectives. If you miss three of these meetings, you will not be allowed to pass the module. Project Marks

Project Marks

To prevent you from coding or performing your project two weeks before it is due (at the end of the 4th term), you will be continually assessed on your progress. Your weekly meetings with your supervisor are included in the marking schedule. That means you get marks just for attending those meetings! Take advantage of those meetings because they set the tone for your entire project. If you miss three meetings with your supervisor per term, you may not pass a project module. You must meet weekly with your supervisor to make sure you stay on track! The project’s marks are broken into marks for the 4 modules.

The marks for a term consist of the following:

  • 50 Module requirements
  • 20 Project Plan/Monthly report
  • 20 Presentation
  • 10 Weekly attendance with supervisor
  • 100 Total
Here is an interpretation of marks

85% and over

A truly outstanding distinction: masterly coverage demonstrating advanced levels of understanding, originality and analysis or research (theoretically and/or empirically) over and above that required for other distinction categories below. Worthy of publication as is.

80 – 85

A strong distinction without reservations: authoritative coverage of relevant material as well as background literature and/or related issues; outstanding presentation in terms of argument, organization, originality and style. Demonstrates full understanding of subject matter and at most minor typographical corrections required.

75 – 79

Merits distinction though with some reservations: a more than competent presentation with good organization and sound critical arguments. Evidence of originality / clear insight / solid depth of understanding. Some minor omissions and / or corrections required.

70 – 74

Does not merit a distinction, but there is evidence of some originality and flair. The substantive part of the work is competently covered, well organized and lucidly argued. There are omissions or areas where revisions would improve the work.

60 – 69

Solidly executed, adequate organization, competent methodology and conclusions adequately drawn. Very little originality, if any, but an adequate overall performance. May require some minor revisions.

50 – 59

No originality, but a pedestrian, albeit competent, review of the literature, a basic understanding of the significance of the issue discussed, and a fairly competent methodology. There may be problems of organization and expression, of layout and typographical errors, but the work exhibits the main features of academic work sufficiently to pass. Some major revisions may be required.

49 and less

The work is clearly not adequate. It exhibits such a level of disorganization and incoherence as to be termed incompetent. The work fails to demonstrate familiarity with basic academic conventions of presentation and organization. A failing mark indicates that it clearly does not pass in its present form, but if re-worked substantially and re-submitted it may be brought into a pass worthy form.


Supervisors and List of Research Interests

Supervisor E-Mail Research Interests
Prof. Isabella Venter Computer Networks, Interactive Teaching, Web-centric applications
Prof. William (Bill) Tucker Information and Communication Technologies for development; human computer interfaces and alternative computer networking for marginalised people; community engagement; social enterprise and technology transfer
Prof. Antoine Bagula Internet-of-Things (IoT), Data Science and Big Data analytics, network security and protocols with their applications to wireless, wired and hybrid networking in environment protection, smart cities, cyber medicine and healthcare, unmanned aerial vehicles, drought mitigation and public safety
Dr. Michael Norman Software Engineering, Formal Specification, Dependable Software, Web-centric applications
Dr. Mehrdad Ghaziasgar Computer Vision and Machine Learning applied to assistive technologies such as gesture-based interfaces, crime detection, visually-impaired navigation and machine translation


Acceptance Criteria

In general, you must have an undergraduate degree, usually a B.Sc. in Computer Science or a B.Comm with a major in Computer Science. Applications should be submitted by 30 September . There is NO fee payable for your postgraduate application.

Full-Time Honours

To be accepted as an Honours student, you must have at least a 60% average for your 3rd year Computer Science.

You must also have completed a Bachelor’s degree.

International Applicants

All applicants who did not obtain their qualifications in South Africa / Non South African students, must please submit all your qualifications to SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) for an evaluation. For a small fee, SAQA will evaluate your qualifications. You can visit their website at for more information. We cannot respond to your application until you submit a certificate issued by SAQA stating the NQF level of your qualifications.

– If the language of instruction of your academic institution is not English, we also require a TOEFL test –

Special Note

Sometimes work experience or other considerations can override these requirements at the discretion of the department’s Post-Graduate Committee. We may also consider students with non-CS degrees if the case can be made to show that the student is as qualified as someone with a B.Sc. or B.Comm. in Computer Science. Honours, however, is not offered on a part-time basis.

How To Apply

Applicants are required to apply online via

Should you require a Hard Copy Application Form Click Here

To ensure the successful completion of your application, please submit the following supporting documents (certified) to the Natural Sciences Faculty:

  • The documents to be submitted by foreign students:
    • Certified copy of passport
    • Certified copies of all official academic transcripts / record of results
    • Certified copy of degree certificate
    • SAQA Evaluation Certificate
    • TOEFL test score
    • Short Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    • One page letter of motivation
    • Proof of funding
  • The documents to be submitted by SA students:
    • Certified copy of South African ID
    • Certified copies of all academic transcripts / record of results
    • Certified copy of degree certificate
    • Short Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    • One page letter of motivation
    • Proof of funding

Consult the Natural Sciences Faculty if additional documentation is required. All documents must be uploaded to:

If the required documents are not received by 30 September 2016, your application will not be considered.

For further enquiries, please contact the Natural Sciences Faculty office: or +27 21 959 2975.

More information on fees, etc. can be found on the University webpage at UWC Financial Matters.

Duration of Program

A Full-Time Honours student must finish the programme within one year. However, if you do not complete the degree within one year because of failing (or delaying) a module (or more), faculty does allow two years to finish the degree. But if you take more than one year your transcript will denote the failure to finish in one year.You’ll have to pay more, too.

Program Requirements

Each student must take 8 modules of 15 credits = 120 credits. Students may also take 2 modules from another department with the permission of the HOD of Computer Science.

Residential Services

If you have applied for university accommodation, UWC Residential Services Department will deal with this application in a separate process.

  • Only successful applicants will receive a written confirmation of his / her space in Residence by 10 December 2016. We therefore urge all applicants to make alternate arrangements in the event that his / her application to Residence is not successful
  • All queries may be directed to one of the following contacts:
  • Alternatively, applicants may apply to Kovacs UWC Student Village on campus. A separate on-line application is required at For more information, email or contact the offices at +27 21 959 9500 / 9502.