Department Of Computer Science

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Fostering Research Asset Management and Collaboration using Publish-Subscribe and Immersive Technologies
You are cordially invited to our next MBS Seminar where Ms Kessel Okinga-Koumou will be presenting a talk titled “Fostering Research Asset Management and Collaboration using Publish-Subscribe and Immersive Technologies “. DATE: Tuesday, 27 February 2024 TIME: 13h00-14h00 VENUE: Life Science Auditorium Kessel Okinga-Koumou is a Mastercard Foundation scholar pursuing a MSc in Computer Science at UWC under the supervision of Dr Isafiade, and […]

Building Rest API’s on AWS Event
On Friday, March 24th, 2023, I had the opportunity to host an event entitled “Building REST APIs on AWS” for UWC students in Lab E2 in the CAMS Building. The goal of this event was to introduce the attendees to Electrum Payments, their client base, the technologies they use, and the internships available for students, […]
SANREN Cyber Security Challenge Finals
We congratulate group ‘HappyTreeFriends’ for qualifying for the SANREN CyberSecurity Challenge finals.